Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fear and Right Wing Extremism

Outside of "The Huffington Post" or the "Daily Kos" I have not heard of a direct accusation that Conservative equals Extremist.

What I have heard is that anyone who disagrees with the current direction of the nation and the policies of the Obama administration must be a right wing extremist.

We have all seen the DHS announcement. "Right wing chatter" about the current economic situation "could" lead to a "surge" of right wing activity that "could" lead to violence. Amazing statements from a governmental organization dedicated to protection. This statement could lead one to believe that people on the right side of politics turn into werewolves when they are struggling finacially. Conservative thinking people would turn to racial hatred, recruiting ex-military as a type of brown-shirt shock troops and the example they give for this thinking?...Timothy McVeigh.

But what of the affect of a poor economy on people on the left? Total and complete silence. Not a mention of the left in this report. One could believe from this that liberals, in times of uncertainty, turn into the modern version of the Underground Railroad: they would gather poor huddled people of color and hide them in the celler for protection from the white hordes. Liberals would pool their resources, feed the hungry and gleefully follow any orders or directions from the Federal government.


Major changes are coming. One side wants them and the other side does not. The problem is that one side has the power to force the change and is actively trying to silence the dissenting side.

Disenfranchisment was the catch phrase for the 2000 and 2004 election. "Thousands" were disenfranchised and that was the end of the world. We were told if their voices were heard then "everything" would have been different. Al Gore Would have been President and global warming would have stopped. John Kerry would have been President and the Middle East would be a playground for Arabs and Israelis.

It seems that disenfranchisement is the policy for the new administration. Government sponsored shunning by labling dissent as "extremist" is the way to calm the waters.

Remember Missouri saying that a bumper sticker for a third party candidate could make a militia member?

Fear is relative. The left fears not getting their societal wish list through before people wake up to see that the country is being bankrupted. The right fears the loss of their voice, their religions, the schools, their kids future...their country.

Nutjobs know no party. Some idiot is always waiting in the shadows to cause pain becuase he is mad at something. ELF will have no problem blowing up, burning, stealing. Skin Heads will always be angry at skin color.

Everyone else simply wants to not live in fear.